Secretary of Education for the United States of America, Part II
[The following is an email I sent to Senator Rob Portman, R-OH, friend and close ally of Ohio Gov. John Kasich, whom I supported throughout the Republican presidential primary campaign. I sent a similar message to Sen. Marco Rubio, R-FL. As with my letters to Sen. Duckworth and Sen. Durbin, I share because I think it is important to make my voice heard as clearly as possible on the issues that matter most to me.] Dear Senator Portman, I recognise that I am not a constituent of yours. I have never lived in Ohio and the likelihood of that ever happening is slim. However, I have been a great admirer of yours ever since your friend, and the man I supported in the Republican presidential campaign from Day One, Gov. John Kasich, stood by you. I have spent considerable energy learning more about you, examining your positions on the issues that matter most to me, and believe I would have voted for you if given the chance. It is with this in mind that I reach out to you, no...