Christmas Trees

I had thought about posting a picture of our very first Christmas tree. In fact, I even took a picture so that I could do just that, much like the Olsons, Christensens, and Ruggieris did. Then I started writing this and thought, "Man, I'll have to hook up my camera... post the picture... that's so much work..." So I wasn't going to. But now I am, anyway. Go figure.

While I am waiting for Picasa to get all set up, I think I am going to take advantage of the interlude to point out that my camera still has pictures on it from over a year ago. And I have as of yet to do anything with my honeymoon photos (Don't worry - they basically consist of either me or Gretch standing in front of the various visitors' centers in Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.)

On another note, I am totally clueless as to how to effectively use Picasa. I must change this. (Two days later, this is still true.)

Okay, now we're ready for the story of our first Christmas tree!

For those who wish to know, this tree was acquired by following the grand old traditions of our forefathers. Gretch and I were invited to join her parents and siblings in a barren, frozen wasteland to hunt down the elusive perfect tree. After finally convincing me that the small "Charlie Brown" trees were not only unsuitable but also not-for-sale, Gretch and I searched long and far and found this tree, which I thought was perfect!

Not only was the tree awesome, it had already been cut down! No need to wait for Jonas to bring us the saw! We were ready to go! Alas, it was not to be. Gretch wanted us to keep searching, which meant travelling further away from civilisation on a bitterly cold, dark evening.

After I had lost all feeling in my hands, feet, and face, we found another tree that fit all of Gretch's requirements: not too tall, not too scrawny, and not too expensive. 

Apparently there was also the secret requirement that it resemble Ronald McDonald's good ol' pal, Grimace:

So here is the tree, decorated, with presents waiting (to be taken to the ol' homestead, actually, but waiting nonetheless). Shown with and without non-tree lighting!

Incidentally, while this tree was our first real, formerly-live tree, it will also be our last. We were able to get a 7' artificial tree from Ace Hardware for a surprisingly good price, and thus, our foray into the once-living Christmas tree has ended.

And if our children ever ask for a "real" tree, we'll let them visit Grandma and Papa.


Unknown said…
Alas, the pictures appear not to work.
Mrs. C said…
Same here Sir Xela-no pictures that I can see...Good thing I saw it in person!! I'm likin the fake tree thing-doesn't make such a big mess!!!
Okay, I just put all the pictures in again. Hopefully it'll actually work this time!
Mrs. C said…
Hooray-I can see the pictures!
Well done.

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