An Unfortunate Event

Dear Family and Friends,

I regret to be the bearer of bad news, but I am confident that I will not be an emotional mess as I write this. On April 22 Alex and I found out that I was pregnant. After almost a year of trying and mentally preparing for a child we were lucky enough to find out this joyous news. We had suspected that I was pregnant more than two weeks before, but were excited to see the evidence from the pregnancy test.

Unfortunately God has other plans for our child. As of last Friday I started threatening miscarriage of the baby at six weeks or so into the pregnancy. On Monday we went to the emergency to see if the baby was all right. The tests and the ultrasound were all inconclusive. Today we went back to the doctor's office for another blood test and eight hours later got a call that I was miscarrying or had miscarried the baby.

I am pretty sure that at this time, I have miscarried the baby, but I have not yet recovered from doing so. I am still in immense pain physically, but am at peace mentally. I have found comfort in my own thoughts and reflections. Please, as a courtesy, do not call me (you can text me) as I recover from this event physically and mentally. If you wish to contact me for any reason, please call Alex instead or just comment on this blog. Your thoughts and prayers, will be appreciated.


Tom/Tabitha said…
hugs and prayers for you at this time. Please take it slow.
Unknown said…
Thinking of all of you at this time.
Rob said…
Beth and I lost one in a very similar manner in between samantha and christopher. My thoughts and prayers are with both of you now and always! Fuzzies and stuff!
Hello, I'm an old friend of Alex's from U of I. My husband and I lost a child in miscarriage in September. I wrote about it on my blog

I'm shedding some tears of sadness for you in your loss right now. I am so sorry. There are many resources online (my favorite is Molly Piper's blog) and a group called Empty Arms in Champaign. Please email me any time in the future if you feel like it. No pressure, I know this is a very emotionally draining time. My address is joannasamples at gmail dot com.
Gramazetta said…
My prayers are with you as always.
Love, Gramazetta
Brie Henri said…
I'm so sorry guys. If I were close enough you could share my baby. My prayers are with you and remember 1 Peter 5:7.
Monica said…
Love you Gretchen. I'm very sorry. We're praying for you.

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