
I was at our Boy Scout District Roundtable meeting tonight and spent about an hour or so afterwards  talking with some scout leaders tonight and realised something very important: humility. 

If you have just two boys and they are both relatively young Scouts, it doesn't matter if your troop has been around for 90 years and your leaders have all the training they can possibly get; you still need to have the humility to ask some experienced Scouts (not Scouters) to come in and mentor them. 

I was amazed to hear a fellow Scouter complain about dwindling numbers and lack of enthusiasm and then complete toss aside my suggestion that the council find experienced Scouts to serve as mentors to the smaller units. I focused on mentors because they have experienced leaders. What they need are boys in their peer group who can show them the way in a way that those who are not cannot. But instead of considering my advice, she insisted they weren't small because they are the oldest troop in the council. This is true, but they still only have two boys, which means they are still small and need help. 

I wondered how many leaders refuse to ask for help because they think their longevity ought to count for something and that asking for help is a sign of weakness or imperfection. But then I remembered how many people do ask for help, such as a colleague of mine who has been teaching for over 25 years. She still seeks out professional development opportunities. She still asks for help. Just the other day she asked a guy who has barely been alive longer than she's been in the classroom, to show her how to set up a class website. I wish that some of the Scouters I talked to tonight would take the approach of my colleague: it doesn't matter how long you've been doing it, there's always room for growth and room for improvement. You just have to have the humility to seek it out.


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