Each Life That Touches Ours for Good

We live in a college town. That means that many of our friends are college students; more particularly, many of them are graduate students. (The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign being a Research I institution.) What this means for us is that many of these dear friends come into our lives for a period of approximately five to seven years and then leave as they accept jobs elsewhere.

Gretch and I have now been married for nine years, one month, and three days. (And yes, I am always counting.) Each summer we have said goodbye to friends as they have graduated and moved all over the nation (or occasionally even overseas). But this summer seems to have been particularly jarring, likely because many of our friends who have moved were people we helped move in and welcomed to our community, especially our faith community. They have been the best of friends; in fact, many of them are like family.

As I have dealt with the emotional roller coaster that has accompanied these departures, I have been comforted by the words of Karen Lynn Davidson's beautiful hymn, Each Life That Touches Ours for Good, written in 1985 and published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' hymnal of that same year, that has perfectly captured the many thoughts and feelings I have had over the past several months:
  1. Each life that touches ours for good
    Reflects thine own great mercy, Lord;
    Thou sendest blessings from above
    Thru words and deeds of those who love.
  2. What greater gift dost thou bestow,
    What greater goodness can we know
    Than Christlike friends, whose gentle ways
    Strengthen our faith, enrich our days.
  3. When such a friend from us departs,
    We hold forever in our hearts
    A sweet and hallowed memory,
    Bringing us nearer, Lord, to thee.
  4. For worthy friends whose lives proclaim
    Devotion to the Savior's name,
    Who bless our days with peace and love,
    We praise thy goodness, Lord, above.

To all of our friends who have departed, know that you are not to be forgotten! And, in the words of another beloved hymn, God be with you 'til we meet again!


EC Photography said…
Love it! Yes, we are checking out facebook and following our good friends :) We miss you guys. Thanks for this beautiful post.
E. and C.

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