The Most Obvious Hint

First I'd like to say for the record, I haven't dropped any hints this year about what I want for Christmas, because really, all I need is a Mac computer, now whether or not I get that is entirely up to someone higher up in the totem pole than me. But, of course there are other things I want, I just usually forget half the time that I want them, but if there are some of you out there wondering what I WANT for Christmas and what I NEED then here is the list:
  • Portfolio supplies (my portfolio is growing quickly so I've grown out of my old ones)
  • Clothes (I go through pants like crazy so back-up pairs are always needed along with nice shirts to help me break the t-shirt phase)
  • Snoopy (anything authentically Snoopy, Charlie Brown, or Peanuts will be appreciated. And the more antique-ish, the cooler)
  • A Mac Computer (now I don't expect someone to buy me a Mac because the one I need is 2 grand, but money towards it would be nice. Why a Mac? Because Macs are awesome! And my Adobe CS3 suite is for a Mac and at the moment it's completely useless to me.)
Ok Alex this list better be the most obvious hint for you.


Tyler said…
I've got a pirated CS3 for Windows, works well for me, Mac's suck.

And I'm just being a jerk, but mice shirts?
Gretch Valencic said…
Yes. Thanks for being a jerk. But on the bright side, my younger sister would enjoy one of those.
William Reger said…
Doesn't anyone want peace on earth anymore? I hear there's a sale....
Beth Blair said…
I'm curious if the hint, got to the intended audience.

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