There Are Several Reasons Why I Will Not Be A TV Star, Director or Writer But A Graphic Designer With An Awesome Computer
So I got a new iMAC 24 inch screen for my birthday a month ago and I've been having fun exploring the inside of it with my best friend Hannah. I wasn't being serious about the inside until suddenly this huge vortex just shows up in the middle of my room and sucks us into the computer. All of a sudden Hannah and I found ourselves in Paris with awesome hair color and where I realized how absolute rusty my French skills are. After we were chased out of town with fire and pitch forks we jumped into the sea and sunk to the bottom. Hannah started getting grumpy and violent, so we kept on swimming. We eventually found an island with and old roller coaster on it. We jumped on the roller coaster and had fun. We didn't even notice that we were going backwards! We posed for the camera and put on our sexiest looks. Then the Coaster suddenly stopped upside down! We realized we didn't have our seat belts on so we suddenly fell out right into another vortex. The vortex led back to my...