LDS Temples

I love the Houses of the Lord. I have seen many of them in my lifetime. On the outside, they are beautiful, magnificent edifices that speak of devotion to the Lord. Even more, though, I love the experience of being inside and performing sacred ordinances while worshipping in a way that is, I believe, rather unique to Latter-day Saints. For me, and for millions of other members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Temple ceremonies are simple and they are beautiful and they are sacred. Which is why you may not hear us speak much about the experience. It is hard to describe spiritual experiences in words. The Temple experience is a learning experience. I am always learning when I am in the Temple, but there is one lesson that comes through more strongly than any other every time. It is the lesson that comes from knowing that God lives and that He knows me, personally, and that He loves me, personally.