Christmas Time Is Here

Gretch and I have had to be creative with our Christmas plans this year, due to financial restraints and other issues. However, that hasn't stopped us from finding and/or making presents, doing some decorating, and, of course, baking on Christmas Eve day.

So, for those who can't make it to our home and don't go on facebook, here's our Christmas tree, with presents under and around:

Yes, that is a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree, and yes, that really is what we are using for our tree this year. We decided that the amount of time and effort required to put up our large tree and decorate it with lights, garland, ornaments, etc, was just too much. Also, we really don't have the space in our house without massively rearranging everything. So maybe when we have a bigger place, and kids who want to put the tree up. For now, though, we are happy with our little tree with its single red ball ornament.

Is there really any food combination in this world that is better than chocolate and peanut butter? Probably not. I certainly find the combination to be much preferred over, say, chocolate and snails. (That's from a commercial for Reese's Peanut Butter Cups from the late 80s or early 90s, I think, but I couldn't find a video. Sorry.)

If you've looked closely at the peanut butter cookies drizzled with chocolate, you may have noticed that one seems to be considerably larger than the others. You would be correct:

I wanted to see what would happen if I lowered the temperature in the oven and baked a giant peanut butter cookie. It actually worked out quite well. Gretch was in charge of the chocolate topping, and, while it was delicious, the presentation left much to be preferred.

Anyway, we are heading over to the Regers' this afternoon and spending the rest of the day with them. Then it is off to Washington (Illinois, for those who are still confused) early tomorrow morning to hang out with the Valencic clan for several days. Then back to Champaign by the middle of next week, in time for delicious sales on holiday chocolates and other sugary delights. Oh, and New Year's Eve. Not sure what our plans for that holiday will be yet. Maybe getting together with some of our other young married friends and eating food while playing games all night. No matter what we do, though, I am sure we will have a great time.

Have a wonderful Christmas, everyone! Or, for those of our friends who are not of the Christian faith but still celebrate the holiday(s), have (a) very happy non-denominational capitalist gift-giving day(s)!


Tom/Tabitha said…
EVERY time Benjamin makes cookies he uses the last of the dough (he might prefer to do this after one dozen...) to make a giant cookie. Awesome. Love the tree. Wish you could come celebrate New Year's with us.
Gretch and I have a LOT of traveling that we need to do soon! But first we have to get through all the stuff we've got going on now :( We will get out there eventually, though, I promise! And sooner than later!

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