A New Year
[Note: This has been cross-posted on my Adventures in Substituting blog.]
It is shortly after 7 am on 31 December 2010. In just 17 hours, this year will be over. At times it felt like it was just zipping by and at other times it seemed like time would just not move forward.
Despite the numerous personal difficulties that I have experienced this year, from not being afforded many opportunities to teach during the end of the last school year, to applying for hundreds and hundreds of full-time teaching positions and only having one interview (that didn't produce anything other than a long early morning drive across the state and back again), to running a business that started failing in 2009 and finally closed this summer, to a few extremely personal trials that some, but not all, are aware of... despite all that, there were good things, too.
Some of my highlights of this year has been the many opportunities to teach during the first part of this school year, especially in a new school district, which has challenged me as an educator, which is exactly what I was hoping would happen. I've learned that family and friends are amazingly supportive, and that no matter how long and dark the road ahead may seem, there is an end in sight. I've developed new friendships, strengthened old ones, and learned that my older brothers can be a lot of fun. I have learned that cataloguing my books takes a long time, but it definitely worth it, and know I want to catalogue my movies and music, as well.
I have no idea what 2011 is going to bring. I have hopes for some things. I hope for an opportunity to teach full-time. But if I continue to work as a substitute teacher, I will not be upset. I love my job, and I am a dang good substitute. I expect to have more time to do more things outside of the house with Gretch (including visiting family and friends outside of central Illinois). She started working a new job in the middle of December, and it has been a godsend. She loves it, and I love that she loves it. There are still going to be bumps on the road; I know that, and she knows it. But 2010 has taught us that the bumps aren't too bad. We can get through it. And I continue to plan on sharing my many adventures throughout the coming year. The adventures will always be here, and as long as I am capable, I plan on sharing them with you.
Happy new year!