Busy Busy Busy

On Monday morning, I started my work day at about 7:30 am. I taught a mostly wonderful class of third graders at Robeson and had a fun time doing it. 

First thing in the morning, we got to go see Mrs. Reger's class put on a few of their plays related to various social studies units. That was interesting, to say the least.

Then Mr. Bost, who is the third grade teacher next to Mrs. Okruch (for whom I was subbing) decided that he and I should "team teach" a huge chunk of the science curriculum they currently have. (The unit is supposed to be finished on Friday, and they hadn't even started). Of course, when I say "team teach" I really mean "I teach and he manages the students". But it was fun, because I love teaching science (even when the curriculum unit is boring as!) I just hope that Mrs. Okruch isn't upset with me for kinda sorta almost completely ignoring her plans for the day...

Immediately after finishing at Robeson, I went to a couple of business meetings so I could get keys and the such for two new accounts we were starting on Monday night. About the same time, I learned that my Crew Chief was going to take one more day off, so I was going to be working with the crew in the evening. Meetings went well, keys were acquired, and then it was off to run another errand of some sort before coming home, changing, grabbing a pumpkin "muffie" (made by the good folks at Panera Bread), kissing my wife, and running out the door again.

The evening work shift officially started at 6 pm, but I was able to talk Adam and Shaun into starting an hour early with me. Then Jeff joined us around 6:30 and we kept going. And going. And going. Until 2:30 am. Then we finished, and I finally got home around 3:15 am (I had to run by the post office to see if we'd gotten any mail from the day before).

So I left home at about 7:15 am on Monday morning and didn't really get back home until 3:15 on Tuesday morning. Huzzah for 20-hour work days!

Gretch, on the other hand, spent the day sitting around in the clothes she'd slept in, watching "House" online. She may have eaten once or twice, too.


I'm glad to read you are keeping your wife in the manner to which she has been accustomed.
Gretch Valencic said…
I was celebrating finals being done, thank you very much. And besides on Tuesday I worked 12 hours straight!

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