Economics and Business

President Obama recently held a "Job Summit" to discuss how to get the economy rolling again. Presumably without flooding the market with money that nobody seems to have seen yet. It has been somewhat difficult to track down what was actually accomplished during the job summit, though. I did find a bunch of videos on the White House web site that showed what they talked about, but, of course, all it was was talk.

Looking at them, though, I was struck by something that Linda Chavez wrote on this same subject: "If the president were really serious, he'd put more money back in the hands of those capable of creating jobs — and far more efficiently than government can — individual investors and private business." I concur.

While recognising that part of the growth of our business depends upon the amount of work we have available, there are also limits to the number of employees we can hire. Simply put, our business only has so much money. And when we have to spend X amount of it on taxes and Y amount on paying financial obligations, Z amount on paying for equipment and supplies, there is only so much left over to pay employees.

So, President Obama, if you want businesses to be able to create more jobs, you need to allow businesses to have the capital to pay employees for doing those jobs.

In the meantime, we need to stop spending money we don't have for programs we can't afford. Tighten the belt, cut the spending, and ask everyone in America to contribute equally.


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