
"If data cause a re-examination of previously held assumptions, so be it." ~Larry Elder

"Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong." ~Ayn Rand



I'm sorry. What was the question? Do we disagree or agree or find some annoyingly non-committal middle path between and around these quotations? Do we critique the syntax or the rhetoric of the proffered nuggets of wisdom? I find that it is my habit to drive right down the middle and attack the very structure of the game, so my first real point of discussion is simply to huff that such glib statements of reality (so-called) place artificial limitations of what is and can be, and so become ultimately meaningless. In fact, I am tempted to give in to the idea that any pronouncement is, by its very nature, artificial and therefore not worthy of further attention--including the one I just made. Who was the greek fellow who lived in a barrel and wouldn't speak because by the time the sound of his words hit the ears of his interlocutors, their meaning had already changed enough that to speak was not worth his effort? I believe it was Diogenes the Dog, which if you consider it, is a great nom de plume. Except that I do not like dogs (famously, in some circles) and so it would be a contradiction for me to like the monniker "Diogenes the Dog" and wish in some artifical way to be referred to as such, while at the same time experiencing revulsion at the person of a certain dog or, in fact, any dog. Thus, I have found a contradiction that exists, and for which the premises are both correct: I like the name Diogenes the Dog; I do not like dogs. So much for Ms. Rand. And as for Elder, anyone who wishes to be ranked in the bon mots (excuse my french) hall of fame, should not use the words "data" "re-examination" or "assumptions." These are ugly words, modern words, workplace words, corporate speak words, and therefore not poetic enough to spend time with. So be it. The only question left is whether my diatribe can be considered "discussion," or something more insidious. Well?

Oh, does this count as spam or harrassment? Cause if not, I could come over and offend your wife some more. I think she likes hitting me when I'm offensive.
Regarding your claim of a contradiction, I fail to see how your contradiction exists in the first places. You like the name of a man that includes the word "Dog". You do not like canines. So what? The man is not a dog. I also fail to see what is wrong with data, assumptions, and re-examination.

Of course, I also purposely left out any context for the quotations. Perhaps they would have aided you in your discussion, but since you seemed more interested in rambling than actually thinking about these statements, I doubt that any further context would have accomplished much.

There was no question. Merely an order to discuss the quotations.

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