The Most Wonderful Time

I'm not really sure why Christmas is called "the most wonderful time of the year" - here in East Central Illinois, it is cold, drab, and grey. Snow won't typically show up until mid-January. Some folks are extra cheery, but they tend to be the folks who are cheery all year long anyway. Folks say that people are more caring and more willing to give during the holiday season, but these days, with the economy still depressed, I don't know that I particularly see it.

Lots of people complain about the commercialisation of Christmas, but that is a complaint that has been around for decades. I admit that I don't understand why Christmas decorations show up in department stores in early November (or even late October). I understand that consumers don't buy stuff for Thanksgiving, but that doesn't really explain why the stores have to jump straight from Halloween to Christmas.

All that being said, I do enjoy the holiday season. It is the time of year that I get new socks, which is always exciting. I like winter, so the added bonus of the eventual dumping of snow on the ground is awesome, and it is just about the only time of the year that I can justify consuming large quantities of hot chocolate.

On top of all that, there are the religious implications. Christmas is the time of year in which we can take time to give especial thought to the birth of Christ, to His life, and His teachings. Of course we should be thinking of Him throughout the year, but this is the one time that we really focus on His birth, which was miraculous, in and of itself. The account given in the Gospel According to St. Luke contains some beautifully written poetic prose (I don't think it was prose originally, but the style in which it is written these days certainly is).

Sometimes it seems that the hardest part of Christmas is being able to answer that age-old question: "What do you want this year?" But, really, my list hasn't really changed much over the past several years. In fact, I could probably pull up my post from a year ago and it would still be valid. However, I don't want a hippopotamus now, as my baby sister got one for us already. I do know that Gretch has decided we need the complete Pixar collection. It is considered a short-coming of ours that we do not own any of them. We do have a couple of the DreamWorks Animation films (Bee Movie, Flushed Away, and Shrek) though. Me, I want a hula hoop.


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