A New Blog!

Gretch and I are part of the Champaign-Urbana freecycle network. It has been really awesome--we can get rid of old stuff that has been taking up space, and we have been able to get things we really wanted, like a four-drawer filing cabinet and lots of moving boxes. (For those who don't know, freecycle is an organisation that encourages people within their communities to give away things that they no longer need/want to those who can use it, thereby reducing the number of items being sent to landfills. In addition to posting items to give away, members can post items that they are searching for.)

It has also been really amusing to see the ridiculous things that people ask for. I mentioned this on Twitter (and thereby also on facebook) one day, and my friend Crystal told me about the crazy things she sees come through the Peoria freecycle network. After giving it quite a bit of consideration, I realised that there was only one solution:

Blog about it.

And so I have, with Gretch's amazing support and help, created a new blog, called GreedCycle. It is a wordpress.com blog because the URL on blogspot has already been taken. In case you can't follow the embedded link, you can check it out here:


Please check it out, and feel free to leave comments there! I hope you are as amused by the greediness of people asking for free things as we have been! (Oh, and as a special heads-up, about once a week we plan on having a post on the crazy things that people are just giving away for free, as well.)


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