Random Sunday Thought

There are lots of stories found in the Scriptures. And many of them are favourites of mine. Probably so many that using the word "favourite" is slightly inappropriate. But I like the idea of being able to have multiple favourites, so I will use it, anyway.

Today, thanks in large part to a posting at By Common Consent about a religious work of art, I am thinking about the story of Peter and John outside the temple in Jerusalem, as told in the 3rd chapter of the Acts of the Apostles. A brief recap is that a man who was lame from birth was sitting outside the temple begging and when Peter saw him, his response was thus:

Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have I give thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.
I love the imagery that my mind associates with this story. I love that Peter then stretched out his hand and lifted the man up. He didn't throw money at the man. He didn't tell him to get up and find a job. He didn't go find a government official and demand that the government help. Peter just did what he could do.

May we all commit to do all we can to help our fellow beings. All of us need help at some point in our lives. May we also have the humility to ask for help when it is needed. As we do so, we will find ourselves rising to a higher plane of human existence.


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