For Everything There Is A Season...

For the few readers who actually access our blog through the website, and for those who may have noticed the new title in the email that they receive (but may not read), yes, it is true. Gretch and I have decided that, after over two years of the same boring blog title, it was time for an update.

Well, actually, I suggested it, partly in jest, after commenting at another blog about the fact that newly married couples should have receptions to legitimately acquire toasters, blenders, and lemon zesters. Someone else suggested it would be a good name for a blog, and I agreed. Then, somewhat shockingly, Gretch agreed to the change, as well.

So why toasters, blenders, and lemon zesters? Well, after giving it some thought, it occurred to me that these three common kitchen items actually serve as fairly decent symbols for what Gretch and I blog about.

We blog about our everyday activities. This is like having toast for breakfast. We blog about things that drive us crazy, which is like using a blender to mix things up. And, of course, we blog about random things, which is pretty much what a lemon zester is. Seriously, who uses their lemon zesters that often? And who uses them so often that they feel the need to own more than one??? (For the record, we only own one lemon zester, but we also own a lime zester, and the only way to tell the two apart is that one has a yellow handle and the other has a green handle.)

So there won't be much different with the content of the blog. But we updated the background and layout several weeks ago, so it was only a matter of time before the title would finally change. And yes, the web address is still the same.


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