Still Alive

I just realised it has been about three weeks since Gretch or I have posted a real entry to the blog (real entry being defined as something other than Gretch's regularly-scheduled comic updates, as awesome as they are).

So, what have we been up to? Well, we are still alive. We moved into our new place and have spent the past few weeks trying to unpack and get settled in. We are getting close, although there are still a few items that we haven't found yet. I am pretty sure that they are mixed in with my various teaching supplies that are currently residing in the garage.

Most of the unpacking has been done by Gretch, though, since I have been working a temporary job for a cantankerous old man named John who is renovating a home, and needed someone to do odd jobs on the site for him. Mostly, this has involved me sanding drywall, priming drywall, and painting drywall. I have also spent a few thrilling days pulling nails out of wood that John seems to think he is going to use again in some way or another. Despite the certifiable craziness of my employer, it is a job, which is better than having no job, even though he is only paying me minimum wage, and is reporting me as a contractor (most likely so that he can avoid carrying workers' compensation insurance). Of course, because I am not on the payroll, I refuse to do any work that involves serious hazardous risks, such as climbing up a rickety ladder on uneven ground to operate a power sander. I almost lost my job over that, actually, but I would rather lose a temporary job than get injured and lose my ability to work, and thus lose my income.

In addition to working for John, I have resumed working as a substitute teacher in the Champaign schools, and I am in the process of applying as a substitute teacher in the neighbouring school districts. I am also continuing to keep my eye out for any other job opportunities in the state.

Gretch is also looking for work, preferably in the graphic design field, but she is also looking for jobs as an administrative assistant or in doing data entry, as those are both jobs she has done in the past.

So we are still alive, we are generally happy, and we will hopefully be updating our blog more often now that we have the Internet hooked up at home and can get online more easily.


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