Well, It Was Bound To Happen One Day...

Gretch has finally posted twice in a row. I think this may be a first.

Granted, she has all of her comics scheduled to post, so I really should have just snuck something in first but... wait, what the heck... according to the browser spell-check, "snuck" is not a word... I am so confused right now... Okay, I just checked with Merriam-Webster, and they say that snuck is the past participle form of sneak, but is more commonly used in the US and Canada than in Great Britain and Australia. So this is probably a result of me using the English (UK) language setting.

Anyway, where was I? Oh, right. Gretch finally double posted because I was lazy. I suppose I could point out that I've had a rather nasty cold the past few days, which I thought was a sinus cold, but since Gretch now has it, apparently it was just a cold. And now that I've bothered to do some research on the subject (read: I went to WebMD to see what they had to say on the subject), I have discovered there is no such thing as a sinus cold. There are colds, and there is sinusitis, and sometimes the former will cause the latter. Therefore, I conclude that I had a nasty cold that gave me a bout of sinusitis and now is just making both Gretch and me somewhat miserable.

On the plus side, I am getting a lot of sleep these days. Which, speaking of, is what I am going to do now.


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