
While Gretch was trying to work on her assignments for her various classes, I chose to sit at a nearby computer and see if I could figure out what was wrong with our blog's alignments and suches. Having failed at that (and quite thoroughly, I might add), I started bugging her to show me what was wrong.

After gripping my face in a I-love-you-but-I'm-going-to-kill-you type of way, she had me go through the html, and then found the problem (something was set to 170px instead of being auto). Having made that change, the blog is all prettified. And Gretch hasn't had to resort to killing me.

Now we (and when I say "we" I mean "she") just needs to tweak the blog posts so that they don't get covered by our pretty leaf design (it hangs over just a little teensy bit).

So huzzah for Gretch!


Mrs. C said…
Awww...I like the little leaves and such that kinda spill over...maybe I'm too girly though:)

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